John Jones
Pastor John has a heart to build families up in the Lord and reach people for Christ. He has been married to Shelly since 1985 and they have eight children. This family is dedicated to ministering in Cadet with an emphasis on helping families understand the biblical model for family. Pastor John surrendered his heart to Jesus in 1999 and has a passion for everyone to know the joy that only Jesus can give when we accept His offer of Eternal Life.

Steve Harris
Steve has a passion for God’s Word and prayer as he also works in prison ministry. He and Joy transplanted into this area a few years ago and have become such a wonderful part of our church family. They both love children and Joy is a prayer warrior who loves the flock deeply. They are always available to help others when they see a need and help build up our families.
Bill Rogers
Bill Rodgers has been the chairman of deacons at Cadet Baptist for about 15 years being one of the first workers when the church was started as a mission. He and his wife Sharon are charter members of the church. Bill teaches one of our Adult Sunday School classes and Sharon teaches our Pre- K Sunday School class. If you live in Cadet, Blackwell, Old Mines or Potosi Missouri and have a need you can contact Bill at 573-438-6636.